Daniel Blum
Daniel Blum, born 1979, studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt and the ETH Zurich, with Peter Märkli and Josep Lluis Mateo et all..
Daniel worked as academic assistant at the ETH and has been teaching regularly at various universities since 2014: He was visiting lecturer at the DIA Dessau International Architecture School and is currently heading a design studio at the MSA Münster School of Architecture.
Daniel lectures regularly, works as guest critic and member of architecture juries. His designs have been exhibited at the Venice Biennale (ECC Forum) and at the Moscow National Architecture Museum.
Daniel worked at David Chipperfield Architects in London and Diener & Diener Architects in Basel before taking over the design department at Itten + Brechbühl Basel in 2017. He was appointed member of the board of I+B Basel in 2019.