If you […] are a free man—then you are ready for a walk.
Henry David Thoreau, Walking, 1862

We missed a walk.
We missed the freedom.
We missed our, personal, public space.

We missed the distance covered by our steps.
We missed the time of the distance.
We missed the physical effort to reach the goal.

We missed the landscape.
We missed the territory.
We missed the city.

We missed losing ourselves in the nature.
We missed losing ourselves in the artificial density.
We missed losing ourselves in the sight of the path.

We missed the length.
We missed the width.
We missed the height.

We cannot afford to miss them anymore.
Outside there is our space.
Outside there is enough space for everyone.

We designed the city as a place for movements.
Now we design the city as a place for living.
Now we design our public space as a matter of personal existence.

One can only count on the SPACE OF EVERYONE.

Joseph Beuys che cammina verso Documenta con la figlia.