"The important element in a painting cannot be explained”, said Pierre Auguste Renoir, and surely this thought can be applied to Edward Hopper's cryptic paintings. His works, however, remain excellent quarantine companions. Seeing his figures in the grip of solitude, stuck in that impassive uneasiness, may remind us of our present situation. Edward Hopper's paintings show us how loneliness and isolation is not something new, but rather an integral part of our lives. When we are alone, we get to know ourselves discovering something. Who knows what the characters in Hopper's paintings were about to discover...(at least we discovered the relationship between COVID-19 and 5G, something to be proud of). When we will escape from our homes returning to our wonderful social lives, we should sometimes think about Hopper and remember the beauty of loneliness.

Edward Hopper, Cape Cod Morning, 1950 (pictured at Fondation Beyeler).